For full length drawing/tutorial videos and detailed explanations of my process and thoughts on drawing, inking, and framing techniques follow the link below to my Patreon Page:
Patreon is a subscription service that enables subscribers to access exclusive content and support artists.
With nearly 50 videos currently up, this Patreon page is a resource for those interested in how my work is created as well as aspiring artists looking to learn more.
I upload monthly videos and images showing my drawings from start to finish as well as early looks at new works. These videos include figure, portrait, landscape, and cityscape/architectural drawings.
I have full length and compressed drawing videos of works that take me anywhere from 3 to 15 hours to complete. Some videos are shown at normal drawing speed, some sped up, and some both.
I have full length and compressed drawing videos of works that take me anywhere from 3 to 15 hours to complete. Some videos are shown at normal drawing speed, some sped up, and some both.
A number of the videos will come with explanations of my process and my thoughts on drawing practices and techniques. Nearly all videos are available in 4k (2160p) so you can see the line work as clearly as possible.
In addition to monthly videos, supporters are shipped limited edition prints with six months of membership (12 months for international).
Here's some examples of the prints I've sent out to my supporters on Patreon: